Thursday, March 12, 2015

Humor, Music, Movies, Games

My sense of humor is like Jim Carrey, sometimes retarded in nature, which I learned from my two older brothers. Some people dislike the word retarded, but I still use it at times; however I don’t refer to mentally or physically challenged people as ‘retarded’, that would be mean and cruel. I also have clever humor. I’m also silly, imaginative, and creative. Farting and bathroom humor is usually something to laugh at. I have a strong stomach and can handle most gross talk even while eating. I don’t need a Halloween mask because I can make very scary faces. When I was a kid my mom would say, “If you keep making that face it will stay that way.”

Although we got rid of cable TV when my mom died and now only watch DVD’s and VHS, I did record seasons 1-4 of The Big Bang Theory. I like that humor.

My favorite music genres are… soft rock, Christian rock, classic rock, 80’s music, serene music, smooth jazz. I like many other types of music too. I like aerobic workouts like dancing, but I rarely do it. I used to dance, or what I call moving my body, getting my heart rate going, with my nieces when they were younger.

I’ve seen these movies a million times and will continue watching them over and over again. Star Wars movies, Indiana Jones moives, Back to the Future movies, The Fugitive. Elysium, The A Team, Shooter, Independence Day. Cloak and Dagger, 16 Candles, The Ringer, The Wizard. AVATAR, Journey to the Center of the Earth Brendan Frasier, Harry Potter movies, Twilight movies, Goonies. Tower Heist, Contact, War Games, The Manhatten Project. Avatar, The Last Star Fighter, The Man From Earth, Star Trek IV. The Sandlot, Richie Rich, Rocketman, Flight of the Navigator. Wild Hogs, The Karate Kid, The Station Agent. Ghost Busters 1&2, Marvel and DC comic super hero movies, exct..

There are many things in the world to worry about, and here I am watching movies. If only mass focus / prayer was something that was done on a daily basis, then perhaps the world would be in better shape… similar to Ghost Busters 2 when the pink ooze feeds on positive and negative human emotions.

I like board games, computer games, console games, and card games. I like to trouble shoot and come up with new concepts and new ideas. For example… one time I sent an anonymous no name ‘request’ to a roofing company, asking them to make a pliable-vinyl interlocking roofing system. Seven years later that company sent a pamphlet with this ‘new interlocking vinyl roofing system’ product info to my house addressed to Resident, because they still had my address in their system. I don’t have the money to make patents. I do have the heart to give some ideas away for free. Saddly, sex is no longer one of those FREE things. If you want my milk, you’ll have to agree to keep me for the rest of your life and prove it to me with genuine adoration. 

If you can't laugh at your self, then that is truly sad. I can laugh at myself like the way Jim Carrey can laugh at his self.

A Video of Me Being SILLY?
More like weird and unusual.


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